Brothers and Sisters,
Sunday, January 12, 2025, was a day I will never forget. Here’s why I’m celebrating:
1. 93 People Gathered for Worship
While numbers don’t tell the whole story, they do tell a story. Yesterday, we had 77 people in the sanctuary and 16 kids and volunteers serving in the Kids Ministry, making a total of 93 people! That’s something to praise God for as we see Him drawing people to worship together.
2. We Obeyed Scripture and Gathered, Even When It Wasn’t Easy
What made yesterday special wasn’t just the numbers—it was the faithfulness of God’s people. Despite the challenges, our deacons stepped up to ensure the church was safe and ready for worship. God calls us not to neglect meeting together (Hebrews 10:25), and we honored that call.
This has to be our posture. We must do everything we can to gather. It is our responsibility to prioritize worship and community, even when it’s not convenient or easy. Yesterday was a beautiful example of that commitment.
3. New Families Continue to Visit
Each week, we see new families joining us, and their feedback is consistent: Fellowship Baptist Church is welcoming. That’s a huge deal! Creating a culture where people feel loved and valued reflects Christ’s love and sets the tone for what God is doing here.
4. Fellowship After Worship
When the service ended, people didn’t rush out the door. They stayed, talked, and grew closer together. This is a sign of a healthy church—one where relationships matter and community thrives. Like we saw in Colossians 2:2 “… being knit together in love…”
5. We Truly Fellowship at Fellowship
Our Chili Cook-off Fellowship was a blast! The turnout was great, but more importantly, we laughed, ate, and enjoyed one another’s company. Moments like these build the bonds of unity and joy in Christ.
6. Faithful Giving
Sunday’s tithes were down, but December 2024 was an incredible month, with giving totaling just over $35,000 for the month! Thank you for your faithfulness in giving back to the Lord. Your generosity fuels ministry and enables us to make disciples.
Looking Ahead: Growth Brings Opportunity
As we celebrate, we must also prepare. Growth always brings challenges—but these are opportunities to serve God in new ways.
Here’s a quick story: At our last church, Becca and I used to host all the youth leaders at our house. We loved it! Becca would cook plenty of food, and we always had leftovers. But as the group grew, we couldn’t cook enough and eventually had to cater meals. As more leaders joined, our house became too small, and we had to hold our final meeting at someone else’s house—outside, just to have enough space.
My former pastor, Fred, always said, “Growth always brings conflict.” When God brings more people, it means more Kid’s Ministry volunteers, chairs, more bathrooms, and less space. But these “problems” are blessings because they reflect lives being reached for Christ.
God is doing great things at Fellowship Baptist Church.
Let’s love and celebrate where we are now, but let’s also prepare for what’s ahead. We must always be wiling to make room for the next 100 people.
In Christ,
Travis Smith
Servant of Jesus Christ
Lead Pastor, Fellowship Baptist Church