Brothers and Sisters,
Colossians was such a sweet series for our church. I was both blessed and challenged by this short yet powerful letter, which shows us that Christ is over all things and calls us to live in light of His preeminence.
One of my biggest takeaways as we wrap up this series is the importance of being a church that is intentional about prayer.
Key Matters of Prayer:
- Bylaws Revision Team
- Search Team Worship/Student Pastor Search - please pray for the nominating team as they discern over who should best serve on this team.
- Picture Month… Really?
The Why for Picture Month:
We are currently taking pictures, but I haven’t done a great job explaining why. There are two key reasons:
- We have a new church management system, and we want to include pictures alongside contact information for all of our members.
- More importantly, we will be able to print church directories for all members so we can intentionally pray for one another throughout the week. Having a picture of who we are praying for will help us put names to faces.
I plan to keep one directory on my desk and another in my kids’ Bible, which we try to read together every night. The one on my desk will also serve as a way for me to systematically set up meetings with everyone in the church. So if you get a call from me, it’s because I’m working through our list of members. Let’s do our best to remember one another in prayer.
I am so excited to begin preaching through Ezra-Nehemiah with you all this Sunday! If you’re new to the Bible or feeling a little rusty on the Old Testament, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. The overarching storyline of Scripture is something many of us are unfamiliar with, but I promise that by Sunday, you’ll have a clear understanding of where we are in God’s Word.
Last night was our Sunday night fellowship for March, and man, we ate GOOD! We cooked a ton of food, and you all brought some delicious sides and desserts. I hope you were blessed by our time together. It was a great opportunity to meet new people and waddle home afterward!
God is doing great things at Fellowship Baptist Church!
In Christ, Travis Smith Servant of Jesus Christ Lead Pastor, Fellowship Baptist Church