The Fellowship Baptist Church Story: A Story of God’s Faithfulness

The story of Fellowship Baptist Church began in 1994 with a small group of believers gathering in the Hollman’s living room. Tom crafted a podium from cardboard boxes, for Bro. Larry James and the first song sung was “Amazing Grace” a cappella. Sitting on living room furniture and folding chairs, this group sought to honor God together.

The following Sunday, the church held its first evening worship service at the Cabot Fitness Center, an old blue metal building that was later replaced by an Olive Garden. After a time of worship and a message by Bro. Larry James, four people responded to the invitation, rededicating their lives to Christ. Following the service, an organizational meeting was called, and Christian Fellowship Baptist Church was officially formed, with Bro. Larry James leading the meeting. The church adopted its constitution, bylaws, covenant, and articles of faith and voted to support the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the North Pulaski Baptist Association (NPBA). Twenty-five charter members were received by statement of faith, and services were scheduled every Sunday morning and evening at the fitness center.

Every Saturday night, members met to set up church, removing pictures of women in workout attire and passing folding chairs and equipment up steep steps in a human chain. After Sunday evening services, everything was packed back upstairs, and the pictures were re-hung. Wednesday evening services alternated between the homes of the Tucks and Hollmans. The church began praying for a piano, and God answered when Bro. Larry led a young couple to Christ, who brought a keyboard to the next service.

In October 1994, the church’s bank account held just $1,015.79, but by November, God had provided a miracle. Pat and Clarence Tuck purchased a 10-acre property for $40,000. The church changed its name to Fellowship Baptist Church, dropping “Christian” from the name. Work began in February 1995, with bids for dirt work received and water run to the property. Church members of all ages came together for workdays, clearing land and picking up rocks to prepare for construction.

By June 1995, the church had selected Crown Metal Buildings to construct the new facility. With just $4,590.32 in the bank, the church secured a loan from the Bank of Cabot using the land as collateral. By August, water and electricity were running to the property, and a member donated and installed carpet. On October 8, 1995, exactly one year after leaving the fitness center, the church held its first worship service in the new building.

In May 1996, the church voted to borrow $40,000 to build the current Sunday School wing and purchased new chairs. The following year, a mobile home was purchased to serve as a parsonage, even though the church’s bank account had just $2,876.65. That same year, the church held its first revival with Bro. Johnny Clawson. By 1999, the sanctuary was too small, so the wall dividing the sanctuary and classrooms was removed, and 70 additional chairs were purchased.

In 2000, the church entered the Southern Baptist Convention Intentional Interim Program and called an interim pastor to guide them through the process. By February 2004, the back building was completed. Bro. Bart Baker was called as pastor in 2005 and faithfully served until 2011. After a time of transition, Bro. Terry Fortner served as interim pastor for six months before being called as pastor in 2011. He served until 2018.

In 2019, the church entered the Southern Baptist Convention Intentional Interim Program again, a process that continued into 2020 during the pandemic. In January 2021, Bro. Ray Dye was called as a bivocational pastor, he became Fellowship’s first full-time pastor in 2023. 

As we reflect on the history of Fellowship Baptist Church, we see hard times and great times, but one thing has never changed: the Lord’s faithfulness. He has worked in and through this church for three decades, providing for every need and leading His people forward. In November 2024, Bro. Travis Smith was called as Lead Pastor, and the church eagerly anticipates how the Lord will continue to work in the years ahead. The Lord has always provided, and we know He will never leave or forsake us.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:22-23


List of Pastors

  • Larry James: 1994–2000
  • Ken Jerome: 2000–[SBC Intentional Interim]
  • Bobby Coe: 2002–2005
  • Bart Baker: 2005–2011
  • Terry Fortner: 2011–2018
  • Kelly Hinkson: 2019–2021 [SBC Intentional Interim]
  • Raymond Dye, Jr.: 2021–2024
  • Travis Smith: 2024–Present


Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God Alone